Feeling safe in relationship

Whether in personal or professional relationships we’re constantly checking to see if we feel safe. Voices such as “am I being seen?”, “Am I understood?”, “Can I get the support/appreciation that I need?’ are playing quietly in the background, controlling how we’re able to show up in a relationship.

For healing space holders, such as Hakomi practitioners, yoga teachers, and coaches, it’s essential to recognise what makes us feel safe to help others feel that in our presence. This is one of the most critical aspects of Hakomi’s methods which we’ll focus on in this workshop.


Sunday, May 7 2023

Zurich, old town

Space is limited to 10 participants

Sophie Cattier

Earlybird fee until April 7th 150CHF
Full price after: 170CHF

Registration is completed in two steps.
1. Click the registration button below and follow to steps to complete your booking.
2. From the registration email you’ll receive, choose your preferred payment option and make the payment.